About penpalling

Wednesday, 21 July 2010

Travelling around the World sharing Cultural Heritage, Folklore and Background

Everybody who is into penpalling knows well what it is about... But what can be written in a letter? Any idea, thought, opinion, experience, happening in your life... can be written in a paper. When writing letters it is possible that many of those are addressed to people living far away from your land. Besides your own personal events, have you ever shared anything typical from your country with your pals? Explanations about your native language(s), literature, history, art, music, dances, crafts, food, gastronomy, festivals, landscapes, climate, fauna, flora, currency, national flag, religion, legends, mythology, customs, traditions, or even the origin of your country... are topics which could be part of a letter.

Would you like to tell your own stories to other people living all over the world? If you are interested in writing about any of those characteristics of your country or the land you live and let the rest of us know about it, please, contact me at penpallingandletters[at]gmail[dot]com or just leave a comment in this entry. We can decide together if your text will fit into a "questions and answers" style or maybe it will be a story, article... accompanied of one or several pictures if possible. I am waiting for your messages, then!

Topics suggestion

- language
- literature (about a writer, a book, poetry...)
- history (any historical fact you would like to mention)
- art (painters, musicians, cinema...)
- popular music, popular dances, popular instruments
- crafts done there
- typical food, gastronomy, share a recipe you like to cook
- festivals (typical of your town, city, region, country)
- landscapes (a mountain, a lake, a river, a coastal area, a natural park which is well-known in your country...)
- how is the climate you live in - about fauna, especial animals you can find in your place and the same with flora, plants which are typical from there
- currency (for example we can talk about the old one before Euro for those who have it in Europe now and for the rest of the world... there are plenty of different currency)
- your national flag (the origin of the colours, when it was born, meaning of the coat of arms...)
- about your national anthem and we even can add a video to listen to it
- if you like mythology and legends of your homeland you can share one
- typical customs or traditions

Check all the contributions: Travelling around the World sharing Cultural Heritage, Folklore and Background


  1. this s really fantastic site.....so many good things on here to check out, it is one of the best I have seen so far.
    I could not find my country listed on here, maybe I missed it.....I am from CANADA :)
    but love this place.....wow......very well done!!!

  2. Christine, many thanks for the compliments. I am really glad to hear you like P&L!
    The purpose of this section is to show people worldwide a peculiarity of your homeland, anything related to your country you wish to write about and let us know. The last contribution, in fact, comes from Canada, but you are welcome any time to present any topic related to Canada!

  3. Hi!
    Most of the stuff you can Google but it's much better if somebody writes and give hiw own opinion about his country :)
    I can try to write something about landscapes in my country ... btw I'm from Croatia :))

    Hugs, Maria
