Penpalling & Letters is on Birthday in January and during these three years it has reached people in 190 different states/territories of the world.
It also can be found as a lively community at the
Penpalling & Letters Facebook Group. We also have a page in Google+
Penpalling & Letters G+, so feel free to join the one which fits your purposes better!
Thank you to all the P&L members/community for all this time spent together and for such a large penpalling-family, to readers and visitors for participating and all the messages and comments received as well as to all the lovely people I had the chance to meet!
I wanted to celebrate Penpalling & Letters Third Anniversary in a different way as it had to be special... I am short of time these days but decided to bring back my artistic skills and paint! Yes, I liked to draw and paint when I was younger but life got on the way and no time for it anymore... until now, when looking for the perfect idea to gift the readers and participants in P&L. What is it? Just look at the pic below! Painted designs on paper so you can use them as stationery for your letters! And most important: made with love and care by me! However, the picture do not do them justice, especially to the water lily!
Rose. Tulip. Water lily in the pond. |
How to enter this contest?
Just go on reading... The only "must" is that any "anonymous" won't be accepted. If possible "I would like to know you". How? Just sign with a Blogger, Twitter, Facebook, G+... profile. Or at least, leave your name and tell me you are in Facebook, Twitter, any social network, website, you have a blog, a webpage... If I cannot find you anywhere, I am very sorry but cannot take you in. I simply don't want to send mail to a "ghost" if you know what I mean. What do you have to do to participate?
Leave a comment in this post and tell us (remember to leave a way to contact you):
What is your best experience in penpalling? Please, don't write a few words as those won't be considered. I am asking for a little story: how is the relationship with a penpal of yours, a penpal-meeting, how you got in touch with a lovely penpal you appreciate lots... You sure know better! The most touching narration in my eyes will get printed copies of my designs! You are a penpaller, you know how to write, so make use of it and impress me!
Please, notice that if you would like to participate in this contest, your reply has to be written in this post, under comments section. Comments in Facebook, G+ or any other place around the Internet won't be valid. I won't see it. Also, only one entry per person is allowed, so chances to get the handmade stationery are the same for all of you.
Everybody is welcome to enter, it does not matter where you are located, and if you feel like it, tell your penpals and friends as well. Deadline will be the 15th February, 2013, at 00:00 GMT+1 Time Zone. The winner will be announced some days later. Good luck to all participants and my wishes of a great 2013!